Our Privacy Policy
To help us track site visitors, we use Google Analytics to get an idea on how many people visit our website. This only displays how you found us, and information about your web browser.
The only information we collect is your email address, if you subscribe to our mailing list. We treat your email address as very private, and keep it strictly to ourselves.
We utilize MailChimp for our newsletters. If you want to unsubscribe, you can do so here.
If we need to update this privacy policy, any changes will be displayed here.
Review Blurbs
Jake and Audrey have both dogsat for us in our home, and taken our pit-shepherd mix into their home for a weekend, and we couldn't be happier. When we come home after a trip, our dogs are energetic, well-rested, and joyful.
I've used Woodward Pet Sitting for my fur baby for the last 4.5 years. Hank loves his main walker, Danielle, but has had positive experiences with the other walkers too. It's so reassuring to know that someone is checking in on him and walking him while I am at work. He's...
I was sooooo nervous having a stranger care for our pets, but was put at complete ease with Woodward Pet Sitting. Each day Danielle sent a note with pictures of all the pets to show how happy they were in her care. What a huge relief. I can't say enough...